
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to sit and read my nonsense. I have a lot of opinions (as we all do) but decided to start writing about them.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lady Gaga and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

There are days when I wonder why I even get out of bed. Today wasn't one of those days, until I saw the headline "Lady Gaga's meat dress in Rock Hall display." Of course, I couldn't just ignore the link and go about my day, I HAD to click it. OK fine, it is apart of an exhibit about women in the music industry. I guess, no matter what my person opinion about the quality of her music is, I can respect the exhibit. Then I kept reading, and that is when I read the words "The outfit, made of Argentinian beef, made history..." and I couldn't read any more because my blood was boiling so rapidly my retinas fogged up. MADE HISTORY?!?!? I guess I have fallen off of the deep end but I always considered making history an event that will be remembered and brought up on a consistent basis that has shaped the state of the world as we know it. The Beatles playing on Ed Sullivan "made history". Les Paul "made history". Woodstock "made history". Lady Gaga wearing a dress made of meat to shock people was NOT MAKING HISTORY FOR $*&#S SAKE!!!  I'm sorry, I really do try not to use vulgarities on my posts, even though I did put it in the "adult warning" section, but this is really maddening. If there is nothing else I love on this earth it is music. If that is considered a historical event in music, then I am completely offended and quite frankly want nothing to do with any kind of mainstream music media. Don't get me wrong, it isn't as though I am anyway, if I'm not listening to WGR550 on my way to or from some where then I have my Zune playing. As soon as I could afford an MP3 player I got one, and now am in the "Why is there still terrestrial radio?" group.

But I digress.

Back to the real point. Why do people like this no talent hack? She isn't attractive, isn't very artistic to the point where her music sounds like others (I'll back that up in a minute), and to be honest she isn't that shocking. More annoying than anything. I guess when you get right to it, it is more of a problem of society then just her. Our society now for some reason places importance on some really ridiculous things. I just need to prove one point and I will move on from this little disgusting rich girl. (Oh yeah, did you know that? She isn't some "rise from the ashes and make something of herself" case, she is from a very well off family on Long Island.)

Anyway, how come no one makes a big deal over the fact that she is completely ripping Madonna off?

I mean, honestly people! It is the same song! Yeah yeah, I can hear people now, "Well, all songs kinda sound the same and blah, blah, blah." These two songs sound the same, and Gaga is totally ripping off Madonnas image too! Two differences - Madonna was extremly attractive, and she was able to make a career off of NOT RIPPING OTHERS OFF.
Now, let me say this. I was going to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with my wife, I really was. Not any more. As it was I have been told that you might as well just go to a Hard Rock Cafe. Especially when you look at how many bands and musicians deserve to be in the hall, yet are snubbed. It seems to just be a "Good Ol Boys" club for Jann Wenner, Suzan Evans, and Dave Marsh. Don't believe me? Check this list out and just try to tell me that it isn't a joke.

Maybe I'm just a universal cynic but it seems as though everything has been corrupted now.

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