
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to sit and read my nonsense. I have a lot of opinions (as we all do) but decided to start writing about them.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weiner, Weiner Everywhere

Yeah, everyone has been talking about it, and it was only a matter of time before I got my two cents out about it. It's every comedians dream, a sex scandal involving a congressman with the name of Weiner.
Try all you want but you can't hide now Weiner.

So, really, why is this such a news story? Mind you, this is about to come from someone who (for the most part) is a Conservative Republican - even though in the past few years I have SERIOUSLY considered just changing to Independent because parties are starting to look really silly in this day and age. I mention that because this should be a perfect opportunity to bash the Democratic Party and show how they are evil and immoral and blah blah blah. But honestly, why is this man being forced out of office? Is the argument a moral one? I believe that our double standard in America is getting out of control. Not only that, but it seems as though we here in America seem to be the only country that puts so much into the personal lives of our politicians. I think the most ironic thing its the fact that we hold these peoples feet to the flames over their personal lives, yet when it comes to things that actually MATTER to us Americans on a day to day basis we take a much more lax attitude. Has this man lied to Congress about political matters? Has he embezzled millions of dollars from the taxpayers? Has he killed anyone? OK, I will give you one thing- he did lie when first asked about this, he said someone hacked his Twitter account. It was a knee-jerk reaction to try to save some face. I am not saying what he said was right, but I am saying that a lot more politicians say a lot worst on a daily basis.

So, this man gets his rocks off by sexting. Why is this a big deal? Last time I checked it was 2011, and many, many people do it. It isn't illegal, it isn't immoral, (unless you are doing it behind your spouses back, which yes I realize he was), and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HE DOES ON A DAILY BASIS IN CONGRESS. I think it is totally ridiculous that he is being called on to step down by his fellow Congressmen. He never even engaged in any contact with these women, only through e-mail and texting. This reminds me of another sad story of double standards in our Government.
Yup, Buffalo's very own Chris Lee. He didn't even let it get anywhere near this far, he just came right out and resigned. Now we were forced to vote between the lesser of 3 evils! In my opinion, I really would have wished the people could have voted him BACK in after seeing the other options they had to vote from. Again, people that didn't do anything that effects their constituents, but because we hold them to such a high standard (that gets shot to hell when they do their daily thing in Congress because they don't really work FOR the people but for their own agendas and lobbyists) they are forced to resign. If anything, this shows that these guys are HUMAN. They are not these "robots" that we expect them to be. It is really funny that we scorn these guys and everyone calls for their heads, but when someone else actually goes BEYOND what these two knuckleheads did, it's funny and no one really calls out their political career. (Yes, I realize it was in his last days, but really, we all laughed more than anything.)
(Insert funny garbled line that also references getting in a chopper here)

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